PAKi - Open Pooling all over Europe

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Réduisez votre impact sur l'environnement avec les palettes Paki

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This is PAKi Logistics

We use digital solutions to organize and streamline your logistics. We provide quick, efficient and environmentally friendly load-carrier management so that you can focus on your core business.

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Faber Group Sustainability Report

With the Faber Group Sustainability Report, we now make our efforts and ambitions tangible and visible. The report outlines our Faber Group sustainability strategy and Faber Development Goals. It also includes the result of a baseline measurement of our footprint as Faber Group as a whole, per division and per type of activity. We used this to set tangible KPI’s to eventually become a ‘net-zero’ company by 2045.

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Open pooling of reusable, high-quality pallets from sustainable sources optimises logistics processes along the entire supply chain thanks to exchangeable load carriers. This circular system allows for green logistics along the entire supply chain and enables all participants to achieve more sustainable logistics.


Europe-wide availability

Our vast European network of more than 10,000 PAKi Spots is our unique strength. We have the largest, most extensive network of loading and unloading stations that allows our clients to select the exact quantity and quality they require at their desired location.

Fg Europa Connection

Latest news

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Paki Logistics Presents LCA&Calculator
27 novembre 2024

PAKi Logistics presents Life Cycle Analysis & CO2 footprint calculator: Sustainable savings through open pooling systems

Paki 9
04 avril 2024

Anne Kramer-Münch starts as new CEO at PAKi Logistics

CEO Wechsel Bei Paki Logistics
14 février 2024

Management change at PAKi Logistics

Get in touch

PAKi Logistics
Thüngenfeld 1
58256 Ennepetal
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